Bloggers' Banquet: the sequel

One night in November last year, I took a tram to St Kilda with a Coles green-bag under my arm and butterflies in my stomach. Within two hours I had put faces and gestures to over a dozen of Melbourne's food bloggers, and eaten almost as many delicious dishes. Though many of us entered with some trepidation, the first Bloggers' Banquet was an enormous success.

The feeling of community endured, first with a flurry of posts and comments. A few people met up for subsequent edible outings, and a couple of group blogs (and Flickr and Facebook groups!) have sprung up. Then Ed recently offered tickets to Out of the Frying Pan, an opportunity to represent food blogging to the Food Establishment. Several took it up and what resulted was intensely frustrating, occasionally illuminating, and most definitely controversial. It's inspired me (and other bloggers) to contemplate the merits and pitfalls of blogging.

It seems to me that this is the perfect time for Melbourne's food bloggers to regroup and rediscover the fun, food and new-found friendship of the last banquet. In less than a month, the Purple Goddess will host Bloggers' Banquet #2 at her holiday home ('Chez Fur') in Dromana. She has documented many SOLEful experiences there and the backyard wood-fired oven is the envy of many a food blogger. Bring conversation, humour, opinions, your spouse, kids or pets, but most importantly, bring FOOD.

If you're a food blogger and can get to Dromana for lunch on April 5, drop PG a line at minor_deity1[at]hotmail[dot]com. The details are on her blog here.

If you're planning to attend and driving from Melbourne, fancy some car pooling? Michael and I live in the inner north and for a lift, we'll offer you petrol money and a free! surprise! gift! (Not cosmetics.) Leave a comment or contact us at wheresthebeef_blog[at]yahoo[dot]com.


  1. thanks for the info - might try and come along - if I decide to then will get in touch and see if you still need a lift as I can do the inner north easily!

  2. my, it's coming up soon, isn't it? I'm definitely in, and may borrow a car to drive down so would be able to offer you a lift (I live in the Richmond area, so would be easy) - but I guess if I'm driving I'll only be able to have a few drinks... :)

    Have you had any ideas on what to make yet? I wanted to make my Free Form Layered Cheesecake, but it might go a bit funny in the hot boot on a long drive...

  3. Thanks, Johanna - it would be nice to see you there!

    Claire, we'd love to join you if you go ahead with your car-borrowing plan. We've got an insulated cooler-bag we can lend you, I think bringing free form layered cheesecake is definitely in the public good. :-D I haven't had any sweet inspiration, but for lunch I think we'll be making more soy bombs.

  4. Cool cool, Cindy. I think I will borrow a car after all, and sacrifice my alcohol consumption... :)
    I'll get in touch with you through facestalker to organise the car pooling, yes?

  5. Wow this thing is coming up fast. I haven't even written about it yet. And what to make?

    I look forward to seeing everyone again. And let's not forget the food.

  6. OK Claire, stalk you later. ;-)

    It'll be good to see you there, Thanh! I hope you're going to bake again. :-)


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