February 11, 2008: Bollywood banquet

We decided to make the final round of our SBS inspired Bollywood meals a bit special, and invited a gang of people around to enjoy Dhoom, an unintentionally hilarious 'fast paced motorcycle-robbery drama'. The movie was a hit (particularly the boat chase) and fortunately the food we'd prepared measured up.

As we were entertaining a few people, we needed to make sure we picked recipes that easily scaled up to feed 8 rather than 2 and were guaranteed to be delicious. Luckily, we have just the recipes: palak paneer and spiced chickpeas, both from our Mondo Organics Indian cooking class. We've made these trusty recipes many times, and they never disappoint. Cindy capped things off with a reprise of her Indian mango rice pudding, which cooled everyone down as Dhoom hotted up.

Now we've just got to figure out what to cook when we hire out Dhoom 2.


  1. we almost watched this film but got distracted - and didn't have delectable indian food to watch it with - you are inspiring me to do some indian food soon!

  2. Johanna, I would highly recommend the spiced chickpea recipe Michael chose! It is reasonably easy to put together and very tasty - we keep going back to it again and again.

  3. The curries look great! I love paneer.

    I remember Dhoom! We had the premier for that when I used to work at Hoyts. The crowd went nuts!!

    xox Sarah

  4. were do people buy paneer? i ahve never seen it

  5. Thanks Sarah! I'm surprised Dhoom hit a cinema like Hoyts, but those action (and dance) sequences must've been all the more hilarious on the big screen. :-)

    Hi Ran, we've been buying it from a couple of Indian groceries here on the northside: one on Sydney Rd just north of where it intersects with Brunswick Rd, and another right at the northern end of Lygon St. Apparently it's quite easy to make your own if you can spare a few litres of milk. :-)


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