February 10, 2008: Sugardough II

Sunday morning was time to bike it to Brunswick for some groceries (Michael will show you why in his next post), and we stopped off first at Sugardough for breakfast. It's been a while since we last visited - over a year, in fact! - and it's been renovated a little since then. The indoor seated area has been extended to accommodate perhaps 8-12 more people and the pretty dessert display I photographed last time has stretched proportionally. It still has that style of a tea party with charmingly mismatched cups, but it isn't overly twee. The cakes and pastries look real and homemade and just a little bit lop-sided.

The breakfast menu is short but appetising. The two dishes featuring eggs come with pork products, so instead Michael ordered poached pears and mascarpone on toasted ciabatta ($7.50), an excellent combination of sweet, creamy and chewy with a tangy twang.

Things got even more decadent with my two enormous slices of toasted brioche with nutella ($4.80). The brioche was appropriately buttery and they really didn't skimp on the hazelnut spread. This was so gratifyingly rich that I couldn't finish my second slice (though I did quietly scrape most of the nutella off it!).

There is muesli on the menu if you're after something more restrained, but why should you be when you're in a bakery? And even though Sugardough comes up short for a savoury vego breakfast, we are entirely spoiled for choice at lunch time. Pasties, soup, sandwiches and multiple kinds of quiche and frittata all come in meatless varieties - just be sure to save room for dessert.

(You can read about our previous visit to Sugardough here.)


  1. Sugardough is great. Vegan options are pretty limited but it's so nice to see a little food store putting so much effort into creating really quality food. I used to grab a loaf of bread there on weekends when I lived around the corner, they do a great coffee as well.

  2. Bakeries are my greatest weakness. They contain everything that is good - pastries and breads and dusted sugar and jam and cream and custard! Lordy, getting dizzy just thinking about it. I'll have to head down Brunswick way and sample that nutella brioche, it looks so bad it must be divine!

  3. Hi, UM! Yeah, I noticed one specially-labelled vegan apple cake and figured that the sweets must otherwise be thoroughly non-vegan. I think they must be using a lot of eggs! (At least they're free range.)

    Hayley, I've got a feeling that you will love Sugardough. :-) You might be swayed on your nutella brioche quest once you see the other goodies in their display case!


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