January 31, 2008: Banana bread

The short week it took for Michael and I to finish the tray of bubble slice is embarrassing... particularly when you consider that we were away without access to it for three of those days! Determined that my next round of baking would be less cheeky, I picked out a recipe for whole wheat banana bread from Nicole of Pinch My Salt. At first glance it looked very much like my mum's recipe for banana cake, though closer inspection reveals differing quantities of sugar and rising agents. I'm always keen to incorporate wholemeal flour into my snack baking, but have been concerned about simple substitution leading to dry, leaden results. So with Nicole's recipe already specifying wholemeal flour I was ready to go!

This banana bread does have that wholesome, filling quality but it's not at all leaden. While it's not exactly fluffy, it does retain that cakey consistency I was hoping for. Yes it's a bit plain and unexciting to photograph - I might stretch to throwing in some walnuts next time, but there'll be no chocolate chips or icing for my banana bread. This way, it supplies all the comfort and nourishment I want.

Oh, and one other thing: I was impatient and used ripe, rather than over-ripe bananas. Fifteen minutes in a moderate oven had them perfectly black and squishy for mashing. I got the idea from this much more naughty banana recipe.

Banana bread

125g butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
~3 bananas, mashed (aim for about 1 cup, I had a bit more)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups wholemeal flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, optional

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C and grease a small-medium loaf pan.

Cream the butter and sugar together in a large bowl. Beat in the eggs, banana and vanilla.

Sift together the flour, baking soda and salt into a separate bowl, then stir them into the butter mix. Add the walnuts, if you're using them.

Pour the batter into the loaf pan and bake for 45-60 minutes. Nicole specifies the full hour, but I found that mine took a lot less time!


  1. *Yoik!*

    That's the sound of me pinching your recipe, Cindy! I had sensational banana bread while I was up in Sydney, and am keen to recreate it... :)

  2. Happy baking, Claire. :-) I suspect that the most delicious ones I've eaten out have white rather than wholemeal flour, and are toasted with extra butter before serving. Let the experimenting begin!

  3. Cindy - at least you have michael to blame for the slice disappearing - I worry some days when E doesn't like something and it still disappears - I try blaming the cat but it just isn't the same...

    Am sure this banana bread will disappear quickly - or deserves to

  4. Johanna, the banana bread disappeared in just the style you speak of! Michael wouldn't touch it, yet I found myself munching on slices for weekend breakfasts and late night snacks as well as the intended afternoon teas. I polished off the last piece yesterday. :-)


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