October 6, 2007: Burger Culture

After more than a year in Melbourne, Cindy and I are still gradually exploring the area - by the time the weekend rolls around there's usually enough adventure to be had in the inner north for us to be bothered exploring more widely. Finally, we ran out of alternatives and decided to make the trip out to Williamstown. After a quick stroll around the waterfront (which did provide a cracking view back to the city, but was a bit on the cold and windy side to be entirely pleasant), it was time to chase up some lunch. A wander along the main strip threw up an array of reasonable (if not terribly exciting) options, but when we stumbled on a sign promising us great burgers a few hundred metres down a side street, our decision was made for us.

Luckily, they didn't let us down on the vego front, with two non-meaty burger options. Cindy chose the 'Vegi Patch', a vegie pattie, sun-dried tomato, salad and tomato relish ($7), while I went upmarket and ordered the 'Vegi Vibe', the same pattie, salad and relish, but with roasted capsicum and egglant, feta cheese and olives instead of the sun-dried tomato ($9.50). And it should go without saying that we also opted for chips - a large bowl full, with complimentary dipping sauce. The burgers were both excellent. We've not really found a super exciting vegie pattie in our burger-related travels as yet (except for these homemade beauties), and these weren't an exception. Still, they were decent enough and the salad and trimmings were fresh and delicious, as were the wholemeal buns. The chips were cooked perfectly and the 'Mayo Culture' that we chose to dip them in was a real winner - and free! A fine example for other burger shops to follow.

I'm not sure when we'll be back in Williamstown, but as spring gradually creeps up on us, it wouldn't surprise me if we ended up munching on some of Burger Culture's fare before too many sunny afternoons pass us by.

Address: 3 Cole St, Williamstown
Ph: 9397 7156
Price: $7 - $9.50
Website: www.burgerculture.com.au


  1. How do you two stay so slim?? Vida

  2. Haha! Michael loves his sport and manages to use up all those calories very effectively. For me it's a bigger challenge...!

  3. I wonder the same thing! Looking at your icon pic you must have good genes!

  4. Hey Cindy, I know about those challenges, and I know being a vego doesn't mean you suddenly become slim. I barely eat meat and look at me, do you think it's the sweets I eat??? Don't answer that!!!! Vida x x x

  5. ...FWMTS, there's the trick - those profile pics were taken just a month or so before we started this blog! Perhaps we need some "before food blog" and "after 1 year of food blog" comparison pictures. :-D

    Yes, Vida, my biggest temptations - chocolate and chips - are very much vegetarian and very much a challenge in the slimness department!

  6. the chips looks good!! What's better than free mayo! ~slurp~

  7. Couldn't agree more, Hungry Hamster! There are too many places charging for condiments. This mayo was great, and the guy serving us even invited us to ask for more if we ran out of it. :-)

  8. Hey Cindy, have you tried the burgers at Urban Burger? They have three different types of vego patties...

  9. Doh! Just clicked on your 'burgers and chips' tag and realised that not only have you been to Urban Burger, you've blogged about it! Now I feel stoopid :)

  10. Heheh, no worries mutemonkey! I would be much more upset if you had a good burger recommendation and *didn't* try to share it around. :-)


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