September 9, 2007: Orange Roughy

Rather than force our vegetarian lifestyle on Jack and Em for the whole weekend, we researched a few places in the general vicinity of Yanakie that would provide a tasty dinner. Unfortunately the Waratah Park Country House was closed, but luckily Orange Roughy were doing Sunday dinners even in the off-season. Although, if we hadn't called them to book, I'm not sure that they would have bothered opening - we were the only people in the place all night. Lesson: September Sunday nights in the Prom area are quiet. Very quiet.

Even so, the lady running the show for the evening didn't seem too bothered. She cheerfully welcomed us, ran through the specials and chatted happily to us while we settled in. The special deal for the evening was a starter and main combo for $19.50. There were a couple of vegetarian mains and a range of meat and fish options for our non-veg companions. Entree-wise there was soup, garlic bread, bruschetta and some non-veg spring rolls. I opted for the soup, which was leek and potato, while Cindy went for garlic bread. In all honesty, we could have just shared the soup - it came with two nice pieces of toast and was thick, tasty and full of leek-y bits. Having said that, Cindy's garlic bread was delicious - but look at how much there was! Craziness.

For mains, Cindy went for a spinach, parmesan and basil pasta, while I couldn't go past the vegie pizza. Again, both were huge - the pizza dotted with mushrooms, pumpkin, feta, spinach and pesto. It was tremendously impressive - a handful of kalamata olives and it would have been perfect. I had no chance of getting through it all after polishing off the soup, so I made it through half and saved the rest for our lunch on the way home.

Cindy's pasta was rich and creamy - sprinkled with cheese smothered in a creamy pesto sauce. There was a liberal smattering of pine nuts and the pesto flavour really shone through. Again though, there was no way Cindy could finish it off (and she didn't even get through her entire entree) and we departed with leftovers in tow.

Orange Roughy was a good find - it was only 10kms up the road from our accommodation (listen to me, only 10kms - in our usual carless Melbourne world, 10kms might as well be a different state) and the food was delicious and ridiculously generously sized. The service was superb - friendly and helpful, but, despite the empty restaurant, not intrusive at all. It looks like the kind of place that would be chock full of happy diners on summer evenings and was impressively well-suited to vegos (there was even a vegie burger on the lunch menu!). Highly recommended.

Address: 2 Old Waratah Road, Fish Creek
Ph: 5683 2207
Price: $19.50 for a main and entree combo


  1. That pizza looks fantastic, lucky you that you could make it last for two meals. All the food looks pretty good.

  2. The food *was* pretty good, Neil! But I think I most enjoyed the country-town-style friendly service and value for money (... even if we were perched on a common tourist strip).

  3. Yum, that garlic bread looks good. I could do with a bit right now. It's always such a thrill when you find a great restaurant.

  4. KJ, the garlic bread was indeed awesome! Such a shame I didn't have room to eat it all.


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