June 30, 2007: Leftover Makeover - another fruit crumble

The first tray of choc-chip cookies were dreadfully overcooked, black on the bottom and hard on the teeth. (And no, a couple of weeks lurking in a lunchbox didn't really help, either.) So I scraped off the black with a sharp knife and threw the remainder in the food processor with some extra butter. Voila - fruitless crumble. Enter two apples and two pears. Once baked, I garnished our crumble with some leftover cream. The entire incident is a heinous violation of my fruit crumble manifesto but heck, it was a Saturday night in and I was using up leftovers. It was a mighty tasty violation, with all those blended up choc-chips.


  1. OMG..your blog makes me drool.cool

  2. Welcome, Nd! Glad you like what you see. :-)

  3. great idea to use up overcooked cookies like this! If I could be bothered making a nice dessert I could use up the cream in the fridge that I suspect will die an unloved death!

  4. Yes, it can be a challenge to use up those leftovers from other recipes! I'm now trying to go through the fridge once a week and save those scraps before they go toxic. :-)

  5. What a lovely creation! Never let those cookies get away I say!

  6. Thanks Coco&Me! I reckon you're right - a burnt dry cookie is still better than no cookies at all. :-D


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