May 27, 2007: Jerusalem artichoke soup
The end result was a fine soup. The 'artichokes' added a subtle but distinct flavour. It's hard to describe - I wouldn't really compare it to regular artichokes, but can't offer up any better point of comparison. The addition of the brandy was probably unnecessary - I didn't really taste it in the final product and we're now stuck with most of a bottle of very cheap brandy (any ideas on how to use it in cooking would be appreciated), but the cream was a worthwhile addition - smoothing the soup out and adding a bit of richness. Throw in a loaf of walnut and rye bread from one of the QVM bakers, and you've got a comforting and delicious winter meal.
Once again, for those of you who want to try this out, and I recommend that you do, the recipe is here.
I always find jerusalam artichokes quite weird looking (they look like ginger to me) but hope to understand them one of these days. Re your brandy - we once had an onion soup with lots of brandy in it at a dinner party which made everyone nicely sozzled by the end of the first course. Or I think you can always put it in a chocolate cake.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I have never encountered sozzling soup before! I'm sure I do have some dessert recipes tucked away that call for brandy.
ReplyDeleteCindy, glad you enjoyed your soup. I tried jerusalum artichoke soup a few years ago and absolutely loved it. Good Weekend had a recipe last year for jerusalem artichoke veloute, which was a really thick and creamy soup. I use my brandy each year to make Christmas pudding and accompanying brandy sauce. You can also use it in place of other specified alcohol (eg rum or whisky) when making chocolate cakes or desserts.
ReplyDeleteHi Melinda, I think I have a whole swag of baking recipes from Nigella that will suit the brandy! The JA soup recipe you have sounds lovely.
ReplyDeleteSeems like a weird question - but did it make you fart a lot? A friend of mine told me a story about serving this soup at a dinner party once and essentially transforming the entire guest list into her own personal bottom orchestra - everyone got the farts going within minutes and they could not be politely smothered!
ReplyDeleteHaha, Hedge, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, and certainly not within minutes of eating it!
ReplyDeleteI will make a mental note not to risk it at a dinner party anyway. :D